SEO education
How to increase website traffic ?

How to increase website traffic ?

How to increase website traffic ?

How to increase website traffic?

Simply creating a website or online store will not guarantee you visits from readers or potential customers. In order to compete with others for reach and conversion, it is necessary to undertake a proper strategy to promote your website (increase the number of hits from a search engine).

In this article you will learn a few effective ways to generate much more traffic to your website. SeeHow to improve the effectiveness and conversion of your website ?

Table of contents

  1. Site usability - impact on user satisfaction
  2. Unique content
  3. Take care of the marketing
  4. Link building
  5. Social media
  6. SEO optimization of the website
  7. Mobile version of the website

Under this keyword is simply to generate more hits to our website. In other words, we will answer the question how to increase the number of hits on the site ?

UX and usability of the website

Websites, even with a perfect design, refined details and interactive performance, will not ensure the realization of conversions and achieve the goal if they are not thoughtfully designed in terms of usability. It is of no use to the efforts of graphics if the user does not know how to use the product.

Priority is given to logic and intuitiveness

Any product, even the most beautiful one, must be useful, solve problems and give user satisfaction. Thoughtful solutions, clear navigation, statuses or information about where I am currently in the ordering process are key aspects of guiding the user to his destination.

User satisfaction

Is the user satisfied with how they use the product ? It is worth checking this by analyzing data from heat maps or Google Analytics. With hard data, you can easily estimate how far the site deviates from the user's needs and what is worth changing to improve the rejection rate.

Does the UX of the website stand at the highest possible level

uzyczetnosc strony internetowej
SXO or SEO combined with UX are the new standards that Google in May 2021 is introducing in its algorithms

User Experience is the impressions that relate to a user's experience interacting with a site (the issue is much broader). The user's experience of a site has a significant impact on his or her staying on the site. If a website has properly laid out sections, it affects the readability and transparency of the entire site. Then the user is sure to stay on the site longer and enjoy returning to it. See mistakes on websites.

Useful website and UX design increase conversions

Creating a proper User Experience is an occupation that requires experience and performing tests on the effectiveness of particular layouts or solutions. The effectiveness of UX is difficult to measure, as it is a purely empirical field. For current sites, a UX audit is worthwhile.

Ensure unique content of the highest quality

unikalny content strony internetowej
How to improve conversion from the website and get new customers ?

Published content on the web is now one of the best ways to fight for customers. Creating valuable and substantive articles, news, or information will allow you to stand out from the competition and present yourself as an experienced specialist in your industry.

Resarch and selection of key phrases to build site visibility

What you think is important may not coincide with what users think, so it is worth using tools that will tell you what users are looking for and what phrases they type in. Not necessarily looking for a service everyone is looking for a service the same way.

In order to properly select keywords for a sub-page, post, category etc it is worth using tools such as :

  1. Google prompts
  2. google keyword planner
  3. paid programs like senuto or seosurfer

Thanks to them, it is very easy to build sets of phrases that should be placed in the content of the page and in the form of headings to make the page visible on these phrases. See how to check your site in Google - what is Google Search Console, which will help you learn more about your site.

Build an expert image

Solid, substantive, useful and valuable content published in a wide variety of forms will help you attract your target audience, as well as build credibility and trust in your company. Moreover, good content is the basis for effective positioning of your site in search engines.

To create high-quality content, it is worth hiring an experienced copywriter or agency to create high-quality text that provides added value in an accessible way for the reader. Naturally, website content and articles must be unique and based on reliable sources.

Enable blog commenting options

It is very important to be able to comment on the article you are reading. Firstly, we naturally get an expansion of the content with individual comments, and secondly, we build a community around the blog and the site.

Take care of the rejection rate

To maximize the quality of your website it is worth looking at this indicator, learning what it is and how to reduce it. The number of people leaving your website as soon as they enter can be high, so it's worth learning about Google Analytics and how to reduce the rejection rate.

Take care of the marketing

By marketing we mean forms of active communication with potential customers by building a sales funnel. It is worth using all possible channels for content distribution, instead of waiting for the customer to come forward on his own. See how to run social media to be effective.


Acquire and generate leads by maintaining a brand-consistent profile. Publish lifestyle content, create videos and show the company from the inside. It's the perfect channel to get to know a company from behind the scenes. Video formats and so-called "talking heads" enjoy the highest visibility.

Youtube I Vimeo

Create videos in which you showcase the company and demonstrate how you help customers solve problems. It's also a good idea to create tutorial videos and educate potential customers.


Building an engaged community and supporting traffic building with advertisements is a dedicated place to look for customers. A consistent profile and different types of posts will help build trust and get the company known.

Email marketing

It is worthwhile to build your own user base and use this source of valuable visits among those who have already become familiar with the brand.

Influencer marketing

It is worthwhile in the field of social media and classic blogging to cooperate with those who have already built up a reach and use their audience to promote their own content, for example, in the form of a mention or an expert article. It is important that the influencer's profile, target audience and content coincide with ours.

How to measure the effects and traffic on the site?

Google Analitycs

An excellent tool that is free and provides amazing analytical capabilities for checking your website's performance is Google Analytics.
GA allows you to effectively check :

  • Who your site visitors are,
  • Where users come to your site from,
  • What is the rejection rate and dwell time on the site,
  • what devices they use
  • and many others

Google Search Console

Another way to measure the effects of our work on the site is to check the effects of the site's effectiveness in Google Search Console. It is here that you will find out how Google renders your site and whether there are any problems with it such as: problems with indexing, slow loading of sub-pages and many others.

Link building - links to the site

linkbuilding strony internetowej
link distribution graph for domain hauerpower.com from congtiniveseo.com

Building a database of links to your site is an extremely important part of the SEO process. Remember, however, that it's not the quantity that counts, but the quality. See how to check what links are indexed in Google.

Try to get a lot of links from sites with high Trust Flow. You should also be tempted to exchange links between affiliates and even competitors. Remember to diversify your linking so that referrals don't just lead to your homepage. Try to contribute to forums, comment on other industry blogs from which potential commenters may also come to you.

Web development and the linkbuilding process

Before doing linkbuilding, it's a good idea to make sure that the site has the right thematic structure, with content divided into thematic silos that will be linked appropriately from topical sources. Web development requires thinking about the architecture from the beginning of the design process. Such a setup will allow you to refer the user to thematic content on your site and will not cause rejections because the user will go to the content that interests them.

Social media, forums and blogs

poprawa ruchu do strony z mediow spolecznosciowych
What makes up success in social media? Purpose, commonality and regularity !

Build your brand on social media

Harnessing the potential of social media is a great way to build a huge loyal audience base. Sharing your knowledge on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, or Goldenline will help you create a consistent and professional image. Which channel turns out to be best for you depends on the specifics of your industry.

For some, a company's Facebook profile is enough, while other companies actively maintain several profiles on different social media platforms to reach their target audience. It's important to bring traffic to the site from social networks by occasionally linking your profile to your blog post, thus gathering traffic to the site from places valued by Google.

Social proof

It is worth using social networks to build not only the image of an expert, but also to get reliable and valuable opinions, which used on the site will raise your authority and build trust.

Site optimization - meta descriptions, titles, alt tags

optymalizacja opisow meta i alt
Site optimization and consistent SEO improves search engine visibility

Take care of SEO - optimize your website

Proper meta titles and descriptions (title, description, alt) will allow you to create sub-pages that are more friendly not only to Google search engines, but also to users (it's easier to find your site in open browser tabs thanks to a small icon with a logo called favicon and a description - meta title). Transparent descriptions and easy-to-navigate titles that both intrigue and encourage clicks are one of the best strategies you can take.

Onsite optimization

Meta title and description

Meta descriptions and titles are perfect for long-tail positioning, i.e. positioning for specific, long key phrases that users enter into the search engine as often as the basic, general ones. It is also worth taking care of the descriptions of graphics used on the website and subpages (which will tell the Google robot what the graphic is about), building the page with appropriate h1-h3 headings, and using <strong> tags.

Page load time

The page loading time is also extremely important, it is not worth loading more 'MB' than we need (e.g. by scaling too large graphics using code). Here, we will be helped by good website coding (CSS) and all types of online graphic compressors, which can sometimes reduce the graphics' weight by more than half of its initial weight.

Creating appropriate content preceded by research is the key to creating a website that will be visible in the search engine. See what website optimization looks like.

You don't know where to start designing a website?

See the process and website design, if you want to build your own website, see how to make a website on Wordpress.

Remove duplicate internal and external content

usuwamy duplicat content na stronie
duplicates on the page within subpages

Google and other search engines are reluctant to look at duplicate content on the Internet - this applies both to duplication within one website and "externally". If you duplicate content, you run the risk of being subjected to a filter, which will reduce your visibility in the SERP (search results) and may also result in a filter and penalty. Remove duplicate pages and content or block them from being indexed.


Structured data in Google results

znaczniki rich snippet, opisy rozszerzone
rich snippet helps to attract traffic from the search engine

Make life easier for Google robots and provide them with information about the data structure of your website. Thanks to this, you will be able to obtain a richer snippet, i.e. an extended description of the website that appears in the SERP. A rich snippet can be enriched with, among others, the rating, price or condition of the product, which are displayed directly in the search results, which will certainly improve the CTR (Click Through Rate). CTR is the click-through rate and it determines the ratio of the number of clicks to displaying a page, link or ad - depending on the context.

How to get rich snippet?

One of three website mechanisms should be implemented: microformat, microdata or RDF. It should also be noted that despite the implementation, Google does not guarantee that the rich snippet will appear in the search results.

How to improve conversion thanks to Rich Snippet from the search engine?

Make sure that the descriptions are attractive and that the key phrases in the descriptions are appropriately matched to the query. It is important that the description is natural and encourages people to click. In the case of meta tags, popular CTAs are used such as check, see, find out, but also appropriately constructed titles, e.g.: 10 useful techniques to improve search engine visibility.

To increase click-through rates in search results, it is worth implementing Rich Snippets extended tags, which add more data to your result in Google (see what rich snippets are)

Mobile traffic – AMP and responsiveness

rensponsywne strony i amp
AMP and responsive websites. Take care of your recipients.

What is AMP ?

AMP, i.e. Accelerated Mobile Pages, improves mobile search and makes pages load very quickly. This fast loading speed is made possible by simplifying the site's source code. This simplification is generated by special additions and guidelines. These are completely innovative rules for creating websites, which are based on the fact that all external elements must be included in the html file of the website being created. In addition, there are additional tags in the code that are important here. These tags are <amp-img>.

The website is created at a separate address. It is built according to the following scheme: domain.pl/amp/. However, the basic version of the website must contain an appropriate tag for this purpose: However, the basic version of the website must contain an appropriate tag for this purpose:<link  rel=”amphtml” href=”www.odpowednik.pl/amp/url”>.

How does AMP work?

Preparing your website is just the first step to improving search and page loading. The next step is to index it. Then, the search engine robot must load it into a special CACHE memory. This operation is necessary for the website to load really quickly, regardless of the speed of the servers it is hosted on. The only problem that arises here is whether the content on the website is up to date. Everything depends on the frequency with which a new page is indexed, because at the same time the content is updated.

AMP - page loading

The assumption is that the use of JavaScript code has been severely limited. This is what causes the greatest slowdown in page loading, which is why limiting its importance is so important. Instead, the emphasis was on Web Components and the use of CSS. As a result of these changes, Google sees significant improvements in the loading of mobile pages built on AMP HTML. The obtained results indicate that pages load from 15% to 85% faster than with the previous technology.

This raises questions about SEO and search results. Well, Google announces that the use of AMP technology will not have a direct impact on positioning. However, a page's load time is important to its ranking in mobile results, so AMP making it load faster will indirectly actually change those results and make pages using the technology appear higher.

We have known for a long time that websites must be responsive and adapted to mobile devices. Nevertheless, many people are still unaware of the so-called Mobile First Index, which rewards websites that are completely adapted to be displayed on tablets and smartphones. Website responsiveness is currently one of the most important factors that will improve organic traffic from mobile devices. Did you know that this traffic has long overtaken traffic from desktop devices?

AMP aspect and responsiveness?

The AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) aspect comes from the issue of responsiveness. These are activities that speed up the operation of the website on mobile devices. They shorten its loading time, optimize and make its operation more dynamic. Think about what significance this may have for organic traffic from the mobile segment?

Improving conversions and website effectiveness

Build personas, define your customer

To build a website that will convert, it is necessary to prepare a strategy and define the goal for the website. This will enable the preparation of dedicated solutions for specific target groups. See the basic and proper steps of website design

Website graphic design is not everything

When implementing website projects, we stick to the assumptions mentioned above. This allows us to create websites in line with the latest trends, functional and easy to read. We focus on minimalism that does not interfere with the reception of the main content - we do not put form over content.

The design of our websites takes care of user comfort, while being aesthetic and meeting previously established project requirements. Naturally, each of our websites is fully responsive and properly optimized for SEO for Google robots.

Comments on the post: how to increase traffic on our community website:

Hello, I have a question: can the activities you write about be handled by a website administrator with modest knowledge in the field of positioning, or are they rather reserved for an employee of a company dealing with positioning?


Concise and to the point! Although I would expand on the issue of alt descriptions - for all photos on the website - it has a huge impact on the positioning of graphics/photos.

Regards and thanks for the article :)


UX is an important aspect, but I would assign it to the stage - how to keep the user on the website and motivate them to convert. From experience, I can say that one of the most important ways to gain traffic to your website is to build the image of an expert - it takes a long time, but generates relevant and profitable visits. Thanks for this article!


These are the basics for people who have been working on SEO for a long time, but for people who are just starting their adventure or people who want to increase traffic on their own, the article will certainly be useful.


People who have no knowledge of programming will not be able to cope even if they follow the instructions. It is definitely better to entrust website design to Wrocław IT specialists who, thanks to many years of experience, will certainly do it to the best of their ability. Moreover, you don't have to worry about all these optimizations, because, as you know, the company should take care of everything.


An ideal entry for people who are encountering website positioning for the first time. A lot of general information without unnecessary details at the very beginning :) Although if someone wants to start entering positions from scratch and without much knowledge, they will definitely have to devote a lot of time to learning and implementing everything :)


I like such advice to be simple and easy to understand. Thanks to such entries, I don't have to entrust my blog to SEO companies, I can just have fun on my own and fight for better positions.


Noteworthy tips for people taking their first steps in website positioning.
Regarding point #4 Optimizing meta descriptions - the tool https://www.sempire.pl/podglad-tytulu-i-opisu-strony-w-google.html may be useful when constructing titles and descriptions, which shows how the set tags will be presented in Google search.


The truth is that currently the most traffic is gained through the long tail. Many extensive articles on a given topic are published and domain authority is built (topical authority). By using appropriate keyword phrases in the texts, you achieve high positions for precise phrases, and this traffic is easier to translate into conversions.


The matter of linking is a bit more complicated. Before we even start acquiring links, we should look at the activities of our competitors. Unfortunately, there are no established patterns in LB. In some cases, thematic linking will work, in others it will be quantitative, and in others we must focus on the appropriate linking structure. However, this does not change the fact that linking itself is extremely important in the entire process of building the website's visibility!


A good dose of knowledge to start your SEO adventure. I think that everyone will understand and accept such an introduction.


The article may not be as huge as I've read now, but it's enough to illustrate what it's all about. Good job!


A good article, worth recommending and linking on specialized forums.
Thanks to such advice, people who have no knowledge of positioning can start their adventure with website positioning on their own. Here you will also find some knowledge in a nutshell: https://www.activate.pl/pozycjonowanie-stron, which will make it easier to find your way in the complicated world of SEO & SEM.


It is worth adding regarding the second point to take a closer look at the link profile. Just looking at TF can be disastrous because it is easy to manipulate this indicator. It is best to also use DR from Ahrefs or DA from Moz in your assessment.


A lot of threads in a nutshell. As they say :) “good job”.


It is worth remembering that when you create a website, you do it for a specific purpose. A company website should serve a purpose. Of course, it is the showcase of your company. However, its task - apart from building your image - should also be to sell your services or products that you offer.


Great article, related to the first point, the only issue is the general problem of finding a good Content Manager on the market :/


Content plays the most important role. Most website owners assume that copying text from a competitor and minor editing is the best option. Unfortunately this is not the case…


Very useful tips on running a website that will help it attract more visitors and potential customers.


Okay, what about increasing traffic in your hotel or accommodation facility? Sure, the advice given is great and I think it should help in every industry, but in the hotel industry we also have intermediaries who take a lot of traffic from direct websites and make it much more difficult to position a smaller hotel, even if it is a lovely place.

Even if we are dealing with a small town, it soon turns out that 9 out of 10 results are intermediaries, how can we compete with them if they have such budgets? What's your opinion on the subject? Is a brand campaign in Google Ads the only solution in this case? I have an example here: https://bookingsolutions.pl/blog/ochrona-marki-kampania-brandowa-w-google-ads/ but what if someone can't afford it and cares about traffic from search engines? As you think?


Regarding point 5, it is best to avoid duplicating content altogether. Interesting article, you can learn a lot, but some points could use a little expansion. Such a strong four.


Great article, perfect for beginners. It is also worth mentioning the optimization of voice searches. When it comes to methods, always white hat SEO. I invite you to read my article at https://www.seokocur.pl/bialy-kapelusz-seo/


Very well described (though I would add more details). Duplication of content is particularly important. It may be worth considering writing an extension - how to find duplicate content on a website.
I am sending greeting and I wish you good luck


Do you think that only "good" links matter now? Do directories, comments and forums still help? In my opinion, too many links from sponsored articles also have a negative impact on visibility.


It is important to remember that one method will not work. It is very important to take a holistic approach and choose several methods that will drive each other.


thank you ;)

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