Internet marketing
What is influencer marketing

What is influencer marketing

What is influencer marketing

Influencer marketing campaigns - what are they ?

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing that relies on endorsements and product placements (product placement) from influencers, i.e. people who have a large number of real fans on social media platforms. It's worth working with influencers to build engagement among your audience because they are often the people who can realistically increase product sales for your company.

Influencer marketing activities carried out with the cooperation of influencers can bring very good results for brand promotion. Influencers have the ability to reach a large audience and can promote your brand, products or services to their followers in a way that is more personal and relatable than traditional advertising. In the case of standard like banner ads, unfortunately, users are already responding far less than they did a few years ago. An appropriate term for this phenomenon of 'banner blindness' has also been introduced.

Influencer marketing can be an effective way to reach potential customers and create positive associations with your brand when done correctly.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is building a reach for a brand by using people with a large social media following giving them the ability to reach a large number of people through their social media channels. By working with an influencer, brands can tap into a larger audience and promote their products or services, in this case, influencers are used as a resource for the audience.

Does the effectiveness of the campaign depend on the followers ?

And yes and no or it depends.

Effective recommendation of an infulencer will only be possible if he has real fans. Unfortunately, fans can be bought but worse unfortunately with commitment.

Cooperation with influencers. How to choose an influencer ?

There are very many influencers with similar reach, likes and number of fans, so it is important to carefully analyze a potential collaboration with an influencer, make sure of his credibility and actual reach based on user engagement on social profiles. The content he has promoted so far and the response of fans is also worth checking.

See how to run social media

It is worth remembering that Influencer marketing on instagram will differ from that conducted on tik tok. In each of these channels, influencer marketing is a different form of content delivery to the recipient, so it is worth entrusting the preparation of the campaign to an agency with experience in marketing in the social channel of our choice

Who is an influencer ?

An Influencer is a person recognized in social media who has the ability to promote your brand and increase sales of your products. This is most often done through social media platforms such as Instagram channel, YouTube, TikTok or Snapchat. An influencer is able to significantly increase sales of your brand's products by promoting them.

It's worth remembering that working with an influencer is not cheap, and not every influencer may be able to offer a price that works for your brand. In addition, there is a risk that the influencer may have a negative impact on your brand.

We distinguish between microinfluencers, macroinfluencers and mega-influencers depending on the number of real fans and attracting thousands or more users to their profile. The more fans of a given Creator, the more new clients he can bring from the implemented campaign, but it should be remembered that the more expensive the campaign will be.

What are the advantages of influencer marketing ?

By working with influencers, e.g.: instagrammers, bloggers, tiktokers, who have a large 'follow' (number of followers) on social media, companies can reach a much wider audience than would be possible through traditional advertising methods. In addition, influencers can help create a sense of trust and credibility around a brand, as their followers are more likely to believe what they say rather than advertising. This makes it easier for them to influence customers' purchasing decisions.

The social media agency creates campaigns with influencers, advertising campaigns that build brand awareness through influencer marketing.

How to choose the right influencer ?

It is advisable to be guided by a thoughtful choice based on the campaigns run with the influencer. In addition, we should check the actual engagement of the audience and whether the influencer fits your target group of customers.

The influencer's profile and content should, if possible, coincide with your product or service, then promoting and sharing an opinion about the product will be most natural and effective.