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Wordpress cleaning and database optimization

Wordpress cleaning and database optimization

Wordpress cleaning and database optimization

Database in Wordpress

Your wordpress runs slowly and takes a long time to load ? Check maybe you have a problem with your database or wordpress implementation.

The loading time of the website's page increased from 1 second to 3 seconds in a month ? This is all because no one cared about optimizing the database.

Optimize your database by up to 35% and speed up your wordpress !

What is a database in wordpress ?

This is where your Wordpress stores the content of the site i.e.: content of posts, subpages, any archives, images, attachments. All kinds of settings, versions of templates, themes, plugins and their configurations are just stored in the database.

More MB in the database than needed is slow cockpit and website performance

If you think your wordpress is slow going, your database unexpectedly grew to a size of 50 MB, while the number of blog entries is only 40 ? With 250 blog entries, the database weight should not exceed 15 MB . Is this surprising? Well, it should be.

Table of Contents:

  1. default database structure
  2. How to take care of the database?
  3. When to optimize the database?
  4. base optimization plug-ins

Using Wordpress and expanding it with new content we create content. This is where it all comes together because that is what we need a CMS for. See how wordpress optimization looks like

When running a website, we don't think about the generated file size and content in the form of an ever-increasing number of blog posts or sub-pages to expand our offerings.

However, the problem arises over time when we create several draft versions of posts, add new plugins, language versions, add large images. The database takes up more and more space gradually gets littered ii also likes to just 'clog up the server'. If we have a large capacity then soon the use of space limits I do not notice, however, slowing down the work of the wordpress cockpit and the site itself unfortunately yes.

Correct optimization and site building also affects good wordpress positioning on Google

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Does hosting matter?

First and foremost, it is important that the site loads quickly and when moving to subsequent pages it loads content quickly. In addition to optimizing the database and cleaning it periodically, it is also worth paying attention to the parameters and resources that your Wordpress hosting offers.

Default database structure

The database contains the following tables in its structure:

wp_commentmeta – contains meta data type information,
wp_comments – includes comments,
wp_links – includes links,
wp_options – contains settings from the Settings tab,
wp_postmeta – contains meta data from the wp_posts table,
wp_posts – includes posts, pages and menus,
wp_terms – includes WordPress categories and tags,
wp_termmeta – contains meta data from categories and tags,
wp_term_relationship – contains information of wp_posts table relations with categories and tags,
wp_term_taxonomy – contains taxonomies to the wp_terms table,
wp_usermeta – contains the meta data of the wp_users table,
wp_users – includes users

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How should the database be taken care of?

Continuous updates of content, plugins, template leave even though we remove them from the panel through the uninstall function their remnants in the database records (elements of old versions). All working versions of entries are saved in the database.

See how improve wordpress speed

When to optimize the wordpress database?

In the case of major changes to the site or its expansion, changing the template and functionality, it is worth reviewing and updating the database and clearing the site cache. In the absence of conducting major work on the site, it is sufficient to carry out database optimization work once a quarter. We recommend before planning optimization work to make a backup of your wordpress.

WP-Sweep plugin

opis wtyczki WP Sweep
WP-Sweep plugin

Author: Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan

Ratings: Very good (above 4.5 stars)

Number of installations: 100 000+

Plugin installation

proces instalacji wtyczki wp sweep
WP-Sweep plugin installation

Log in to your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins>>Add New .

Search for WP Sweep in the search bar.

Click Install Now

Cache cleaning. Post optimization

czyszczenie pamięci podręcznej sweep
Cleaning up posts

After activating the plugin, the first thing we need to do is to clear the site's cache.

Go to Tools>Sweep , and you will see a lot of settings and o options to optimize the database.

The plugin will inform you about the number of post changes, optimization percentages. Click Sweep to perform the operation. The operation will remove data from the tables.

Comment optimization

optymalizacja komentarzy poprzez wp sweep
Comment optimization

Another wpsweep module is optimizing database tables for comments.

Here you will see spam comments, unapproved comments, deleted comments, orphaned comment data. Clicking Sweep cleans our database of unnecessary items.

Optimization of the remaining data in the database

optymalizacja bazy danych w wp sweep
Cleaning the data in the database

Depending on how your site is structured by scrolling down the sub-page, you may find other tables to clear here.

It is also worth using two options : Option Sweep and Database Sweep.

Option Sweep helps empty out transitional options which reduces the size of the database to a greater extent.