Internet marketing
What is a landing page and how to create them effectively

What is a landing page and how to create them effectively

What is a landing page and how to create them effectively

What is a Landing Page

Unlike websites, which usually have multiple goals and encourage exploration, landing pages, or landing pages, are designed with a single goal called a call to action on the part of the user accessing this type of landing page, e.g.: after clicking on an ad.

Increase online sales with a landingpage

Want to increase your online sales? It's easier than you may think! Find out what an effective landing page is. Learn the most important information and see how many benefits you can get!

Application of landing pages / landingpage /.

Landing pages or landing pages are used mainly to increase sales of a particular product or service. They are used to 'pull' traffic to the site from various types of campaigns run on Google Adwords or Facebook.

See how Web design look like.

Table of Contents:

What is a landing page?

landing page czyli strona lądowania
What is a landingpage. Learn the advantages and how to build a landing page

The literal translation of landing page tells the layman little. A more apt term than landing page would be: a landing page that a user arrives at as a result of a planned action, e.g. after clicking on an ad. It is therefore the final stage of the sales funnel.

In digital marketing, a landing page, or landing page, is a standalone website created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It's the place where a visitor "lands" after clicking on a link in an email or ads from Google, YouTube, Facebook, or other sites or social networks. It is usually a stand-alone page, separate from the homepage or any other site, that serves a single and targeted purpose.

It's even simpler to explain with examples of landing pages that social media ads lead you to. You come across them while browsing Facebook or Instagram. When you click on the banner, you see a website that allows you to learn about the product and make a purchase.

See also: '5 examples of effective landingpages' from major companies like : Dropbox, Netflix, Spotify, Airbnb along with a discussion. Learn about 'page rejection rate and how to reduce it'

What is the Landing Page used for ?

Landing pages are most often used to increase sales of products or services. They gain traffic from various campaigns run on Google Adwords or Facebook. However, the role of an effective landing page can be much greater.

Nothing prevents :

  1. use it to sign up for a newsletter, platform, system,
  2. promote a free e-book,
  3. encourage you to pick up a discount code.

Worth knowing:

It is a good practice to design a landing page for different target groups. This is an easy way to further increase the conversion rate and thus reduce the cost of customer acquisition. Thus, we have an effective and proven solution that is the basis of online marketing.

A good landing page is supposed to convince a potential customer that it's worth providing personal information in exchange for what you have to offer.

Landing page versus homepage

A home page is general draws visitors further into your site, presenting all the options your company offers, while a landing page is focused and detailed, offering one simple, specific call to action. Home pages contain a lot of information and encourage users to navigate through the various pages.

If a user arrives at your homepage with one specific goal in mind, they may feel lost and discouraged if they have to browse through several other pages, products, or services first. Landing pages eliminate the intermediate step by being the page the user wants. They allow the user to bypass additional steps when searching for a specific action or product.

Types of landing pages

landingpage to strony sprzedażowe
Types of landing pages. The structure and idea of landingpages is always the same. Minimalism and readability. Content confirmed by real reviews and a reason to Believe section

The home page should contain a lot of useful information for the user. However, it happens that a potential customer is sometimes a bit overwhelmed by the amount of them. That is why landing pages are created.

Improving interaction

When creating a landing page, you should always keep in mind to improve user interaction, which translates into conversions. There are several types of landing pages. For best results, choose a solution tailored to your needs.

Lead Generation

The purpose of lead generation pages is to acquire customers using a data capture form. Such pages are also called lead gen or lead capture. The user receives a specific offer in exchange for the information they provide in the form. Thus, it can be said to be a request and reward mechanism.

Click Through Pages

Click-through sites do not require a form. Their task is to encourage the customer to visit a page where they can make a purchasing decision. Such a solution is most often used between an ad for a product or service and a shopping cart. Keep in mind that a user is not always determined to make a purchase after clicking on an ad. However, an effective Click Through landing page will allow you to increase conversions.

Coming Soon pages

As the name says, Coming Soon pages announce a product or service that is yet to be released. In this way, you can encourage customers and also gauge interest. Right from the start, you are one step ahead of the competition.

Also check:

CTA czyli Call-to-action

The call to action button is the most important element to consider when creating a landing page. It provides a short message that urges the user to take an action.

przycisk call to action na stronie landingpage
The CTA button should reflect the intention and clearly communicate what will happen when clicked.

You can bet on standard type communication:

  • buy now
  • order
  • try
  • apply

It's also worth testing custom solutions, e.g. Go wild. Here you need to put yourself in the role of the user and think about what password will be most effective.

Advantages of an effective landing page

The advantages of a landing page are even invaluable. It's a user-friendly solution and a win-win for you. All you need to do is create an intuitive interface, and a sales landing page will contribute to an increase in conversions. Find out why you should include this tool in your marketing strategy.

Focus on one product or service

One of the biggest advantages of a landing page is its focus on a specific product or service. Thus, the user gets only the information he or she is interested in, using an intuitively designed page. If the content is approachable and at the same time properly saturated with key phrases, Google's robots will look at it with a favorable eye and allow you to rank better.

Effective selling

Landing page is a very simple solution. Thanks to it, the user does not get lost in the maze of information. All he needs to do is read the basic information about the product or service, click the CTA button and place an order. It is well known today how important simplicity and functionality are for Internet users.

An effective Google Ads campaign

Another advantage of a properly organized landing page is the ability to reduce campaign costs and improve campaign effectiveness. When commissioning a website design, note that the price of a landing page can be exceedingly attractive, considering the benefits you can achieve.

See how to measure the effects of advertising campaigns, learn the best tool to measure the effects and quality results of your website. Find out what Google Analytics is

Measuring the effects of the campaign

In the case of langingpage, it is worth making a dedicated thankyou subpage, which will provide valuable information just for measuring conversions through Google Analytics.

You should also consider checking your landingpage data in Google Search Console to see how your page renders on Google.

Why are landing pages so good at converting?

The home page usually contains numerous sub-pages, links, points of offer. It is complex because it is the door through which the user goes deeper into the site. Landingpage, on the contrary, should contain only what is necessary to achieve the highest possible conversion.

Minimalism and readability

When we talk about a landing page we should have in mind focusing on one goal, performing one task that we expect the user to do, and focus on that.

Following this line of thinking, when designing an effective landingpage we should be guided mainly by its readability, minimalism and one main message. The goal can be achieved very simply by minimizing the number of 'distractors' on this type of sub-page.

How to drive traffic to a sales landing page

Directing traffic to a landing page can be done in a variety of ways. And this variety allows you to reach multiple target groups and thus increase conversions. Here are some practical ways to help you gain new customers.

Traffic from paid search results

Paid ads prepared by marketing specialists are encountered every day when using a search engine. If you choose such an option, you can decide which page the user will go to after clicking. In this way you will take him precisely to a landing page that promotes products or services.

Paid social traffic

When creating a marketing strategy, it's hard to overlook popular social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn will allow you to reach many customers. The key aspect is to tailor your information to a specific target audience. And so clothes, furniture or flowers are worth promoting on Instagram. On the other hand, LinkedIn will work great for promoting solutions for professionals in a particular industry.

Email campaigns

This is a relatively inexpensive, yet very effective solution. In the email, all you need to do is include a link to your landing page. In addition, regular correspondence will allow you to maintain relations with your customers and inform them about promotions or news. A newsletter will be excellent here.

What does a landing page consist of?

Every well-designed landing page consists of a core group of elements. Virtually all landoing pages that convert well do so because they are built according to certain principles. The structure of a landing page should be tailored to its function, or persfaction.

budowa landingpage to sekcja hero z hasłem i formularz, zalety i budowanie świadomości marki
Construction of landingpages. What a landingpage consists of.

What should a landingpage contain?

  1. Clear, simple layout tailored to the target audience,
  2. A simple message, a slogan placed in the main header / H1 header /,
  3. Persuasive content with promise and explanation,
  4. A form with only those fields to fill out that are actually necessary like : enter email, first name, last name.
  5. Matching graphics and color schemes,
  6. Clear and contrasting CTA button,
  7. Reason To Believe section or social proof, which will give credibility to the company ( product, service sold ) and dispel doubts,
  8. FAQ sections with popular questions,

Budowa landingpage to prosty przekaz, krótki formularz, CTA, sekcja opinii, FAQ
Clear sections tailored to the target audience. Consistent messages and section styling.

What should a landing page not contain?

  1. Too much solid text,
  2. Mismatched graphics,
  3. Expanded forms beyond the need to collect a lead,
  4. The standard structure of the main menu such as it is on the other subpages, which can distract the user and draw away from the main purpose that the landingpage is supposed to achieve,

Fewer links and options on a landing page increase conversions because it displays fewer elements that will draw users away from action.

5 elements of landing pages - a sales must have

You already know what a landing page is and how many benefits it can bring to your business. Now it's time to consider what 5 elements an effective landing page should consist of.

  1. Unique offer
  2. Benefits of your offer
  3. A photo or video of the service or product being offered
  4. Reason to Believe - a form of social proof
  5. Form - a single conversion target (or call to action)

Let's take a closer look at each of these elements.

Unique offer

Here is one of the basic elements of a landing page - an offer that stands out from the competition. With a few words, you can assure the user that such a product or service cannot be found elsewhere. It's much easier to do this if you're actually selling an exclusive product, available only from you. However, if it's a popular table or bed model, you need to present it better than your competitors.

Outline the benefits

Use benefit language and present the benefits that await the customer after the purchase. Here again, you need to step into the user's shoes and dispel any doubts they may have. Simply think about why your product is worth having.

Graphics sells

Words are not everything. When creating a landing page, you need to remember about the attractive graphic value. Today it is difficult to imagine an offer without photos, videos or graphics that convey the appearance and functionality of the product. Customers often buy with their eyes.

Worth knowing:

Avoid a solid block of text

Also remember to make the text reader-friendly. Simply divide longer passages into headings and paragraphs, and use bulleted or numbered lists when necessary.

Selectivity and light. Space in the design.

It is also useful to use more space between elements and sections, which brings better readability and selectivity to the overall layout.

A wall of text never looks good.

Imagine reading this article without breaking it down into sections. You would probably find it difficult to get even halfway through.

Social proof - social proof

Social proof should be determined by customer interactions. You can boldly post their positive reviews, as well as interviews with experts who recommend your products. The potential that lies in this simple tool is enormous.

Reason to believe

This section is implemented as a slider with named reviews with a photo, company logos or comments from social networks.

CTA or conversion target

Each landing page should focus on a single conversion goal. This will make it quick and easy for the user to take a call to action (CTA). This can be either a button or a form designed to generate leads. Reminder - simplicity and approachable form is the key to success.

How to create an effective CTA (call to action)?

Avoid boring, long text and an indistinguishable button. Use conversational language and let visitors know exactly what they will get for the price of leaving their information.

The form, or rather its length

When creating the form, think about what is the most important information to collect from the point of view of your business.

Forms, as rightly accepted in the marketing industry, should be as short as possible to ensure the highest possible conversion. In addition, they should include all necessary marketing consents including a privacy statement to ensure that the data collected is secure and compliant with the provisions of the RODO.

Login and registration via social media

It is very fashionable and popular to use for landingpages for online platforms like monady.com, asana, Spotify etc login and registration via social networks. Immediately after clicking the 'Check', 'see demo' button, the user is taken to the tool above which in the popup is a mechanism for simple login through a social network.

logowanie do usługi poprzez strony lądowania landingpage
Step one. Start using the system. CTA takes the user to the program. On a new sub-page in a very nice graphical interface and in the background of a running program that further encourages us to proceed, we perform the registration operation.

rejestracja do usługi poprzez portale społecznościowe z strony docelowej
Step 2 The registration that monady.com gives is very attractive. In the background of the running program that encourages us to register, we get two options to create an account : via email or using the related portals of the system : Google / Slack / LinkedIn

Kreatory landing page na Wordpress

There are many methods to create a functional and user-friendly landing page. You can choose either a very sophisticated landing page generator or a simpler method. Check out Wordpress page creation. Here are some popular solutions to consider.


Elementor is one of the most popular landing page builders. To start the process of building a landing page, all you need to do is add the plugin to your WordPress site. The tool allows a lot of functionality. In addition to basic tasks, it will work great for designing advanced graphic elements or custom solutions.


At first glance, Divi looks similar to a standard WordPress theme. However, it is much more functional and advanced. It will allow you to create any kind of website regardless of what kind of business you are running. The unquestionable advantage of this landing page generator is its simplicity of use. Thus, even a novice user can create a landing page.


Oxygen is a plug-in designed for advanced users. The tool does not require themes and includes a lot of professional yet useful solutions. Moreover, it is very developer-friendly. If you are familiar with HTML, CSS, JS or PHP, this generator will definitely find use in your hands.

These, of course, are just some of the many wizards out there. You are sure to find a solution that fits your needs and skills. You can also have your landing page prepared by professionals.